How to Recruit and Hire Moving Truck Drivers Like a Startup

Moving companies, it’s finally time to talk about what’s keeping all of us up at night...

Yep, we’re talking about driver recruiting! Earlier this year, the American Trucking Association estimated that we need to add 35,000 to 40,000 more truck drivers to the road nationwide. In truth, our driver shortage makes sense – driving a moving truck can literally be back-breaking work and often requires hours, if not days, away from the family.

So, while finding applicants and dealing with driver turnover is a serious problem in the industry, it doesn’t mean that your recruiting efforts have to be stuck in neutral! Instead, take a few pointers from the folks that are constantly growing and thus hiring new team members – a startup! Review these strategies, and truly "up the ante" on your driver recruiting efforts.

Offer Unique Perks

It’s sometimes the smallest gestures that pack the most punch. As part of your driver benefits package, offer unique perks such as a free subscription to audio services like Audible. Your drivers will be able to download audio books straight to their devices so they can listen while they’re driving. And with the average driver spending 82 hours per year in traffic, it’s well worth the money!

Here’s another unique perk: Invite a physical therapist to come into your office for half a day every couple of months. Moving (and even sitting for long periods of time) takes its toll, and your drivers will appreciate the opportunity to knead out any built-up tension from the job. Moreover, it’s a strong signal that you take their health and safety seriously. Pro-tip: Advertise any bonus benefits like these that you offer directly within your job post!

Put QR Codes on Promotional Collateral

QR codes could be your next missed opportunity to find and keep drivers. Place QR codes (which contain a link to your job application) on flyers in areas that prospective or current drivers may frequent such as gas stations.

Better yet, place QR codes on promotional collateral such as coasters, cups, or napkins and send them to local businesses to distribute. For example, partner with the local gas station or mini-mart by sending free coffee cups or napkins stamped with QR codes that link directly to your job application. Drivers that stop in for a quick cup of coffee will – voila! – have access to your job listing with the swipe of their phone.

Care About Employee Happiness

Let your company culture shine through, and show that even your drivers can have a bit of fun on the job, too. Start a company Snapchat account so that all your drivers can easily snap funny or interesting photos (when they're not driving, of course!). Then, post the photos on your website and social media pages.

Better yet, start a series on your blog or social media pages to personally introduce all of your drivers. In their feature, ask them what they like about their job, and mix in a few fun questions as well (think: “What’s your favorite fast food restaurant?”). For prospective drivers, it sends the message that it’s not always business-as-usual at your company – you also value company culture, staying connected, and most importantly, employee happiness!

Write Your Job Post Like a Human, Not a Robot

With a million job postings to sift through, it’s tough to make your job application stand out from the pack. Add a bit of personality to your job application and write like a human, not a robot! In your job posting, call out what makes your company unique in your “About Us” section. This recruiting strategy is an awesome opportunity to highlight a few of your unique perks, like the fact that you celebrate every driver’s birthday or that you offer free subscriptions to Audible for all drivers. 

Forget the Long Job Application

Paper job applications are the worst. With 7 out of 10 job seekers using mobile technology in their job search, it’s critical that your website is mobile-friendly and that all your job applications are mobile-compatible.

Better yet, keep your application as short, but pointed, as possible – the more recruiting bottlenecks that you can eliminate, the easier it will be to find and keep drivers.

Attend Industry Trade Shows

Prospective drivers attend a TON of industry trade shows. The key for recruiting success is to do your homework before the event, and research how many drivers will be in attendance. Alternatively, ask around at the local vocational school to see if there are job or internship fairs to recruit younger drivers.

Your post-event follow up will be key to your recruiting strategy. Contact drivers that you met at the show over email or phone, or even build a digital ad on Facebook, targeting your audience based on their email address.

When all else fails...

As much as prospective drivers are conducting their job search online, print media is still in! Driver’s magazines and trade association publications are still a top resource for drivers. If a driver sees an ad in a well-respected industry publication, it’ll definitely seem like a credible resource for them.

While driver recruiting may seem like a black hole, it doesn’t have to be! With a little bit of elbow grease (and creative-thinking), more drivers should be rolling up to your door!

Jenna Weinerman

Jenna is Updater’s VP of Marketing and a published relotech expert. She’s an endless seeker of knowledge, a lover of craft brews, and a huge Philadelphia sports fan. Follow her on Twitter here.


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