Never handwrite an inventory again
Driver allows you to create detailed electronic inventories and pre-populated move documents from anywhere — saving you time, protecting you from claims, and helping you get paid faster.
Instantly sync customer info
Enter the CRM order number, and your customer’s contact information and shipping details will populate.
All addresses are verified against Google Maps to ensure the exact origin and destination locations.
Cut your inventory time in half
View items selected in the survey when you sync with CRM.
Search for typical items by room or create a list of your favorites, including carton contents.
Easily inventory cartons packed by the carrier and those packed by the owner.
It works without an internet connection!
Compliance with ISO 17451-1, the codification of contents for inventories for household goods and personal effects shipments.
Protect yourself from claims
Attach time and date-stamped photos to items.
Declare high-value items and get customer signatures in the app.
Use barcodes to scan items in a fraction of the time it would take to handwrite an inventory.
“I’ll tag everything in a room. I don’t need to put things in any order, the software is going to do that for me. I can even scan a barcode already on a TV, and it’s going to load all of the details directly into the app. It saves me 5-6 hours per job!” - Skip Austin, Driver Hampton Roads Moving and Storage
“Just from legibility, you get easier billing. Sometimes jobs are costed by the carton and when you’re doing that per inventory it’s almost impossible to get everything you’re supposed to be billing” - Ryan Silvestri, Vice President Arpin America